by 4A Ventures | Feb 14, 2024 | Strategic Execution, Strategy
When the world around you is changing rapidly, acknowledging and incorporating strategic changes will allow your company to keep its competitive edge. Business goals can feel like New Year’s resolutions—here today, full of conviction and enthusiasm, but gone...
by Alice Shade | Feb 22, 2023 | Strategic Planning, Strategy
Too often, strategizing becomes a once-in-a-while effort—relegated to the end of the year or, at most, the beginning of each quarter. This annual or quarterly planning comes with a team meeting. There is discussion, nods of agreement, and initial energy toward the...
by Alice Shade | Jan 25, 2023 | Strategic Planning, Strategy
CEOs and leaders are in the business of making decisions. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly decisions are routine. However, some of the most challenging are those that require anticipating five to 10 years in the future. These are the goals that most need a set...